Benqian (Ben) Wei

Benqian joined the Loo lab in January 2020. He received his B.E. from Sichuan University in China and M.S. in Polymer Science from The University of Akron in Ohio. His Master's research was mainly about characterization of supramolecular protein-polymer bioconjugates using multistage tandem mass spectrometry. After graduating from UA, he decided to stay in the field of mass spectrometry and continue his research in the Loo Lab at UCLA. Benqian's primary interest lies in exploring the fundamental mechanism of electron ionization dissociation (EID) as well as the formation of internal fragments. He is also interested in native top-down mass spectrometry of protein complexes, trying to combine the fundamental and application. Outside the lab, Benqian enjoys running, playing basketball, watching sports and movies.